Yun-Chu Liang

With an architecture background, Yun is finishing the Master's program 'Sound Studies and Sonic Arts' at the Universität der Künste Berlin.

Yun is a sound-space artist who focuses on incubating perceptional space by recording and interpreting perceptional experiences in daily life. By analyzing urban context, environment history, and human behavior. She works with sound to understand how we connect to the environment through our senses.

The works started from installations in physical space to experience creation in virtual space. Combining field recording and spatial scene production, keep exploring the "reality" of human perception in technological environments and the method to re-create and re-experience perception. This year she started a journey of exploring care in everyday life by engaging in the local community with listening sessions.

She uses different methods to explore our experiences built through senses. The projects span urban planning, architecture, community building, installation, and Virtual Reality.

Co-founder of Cornershop of Daydreams

For collaborations and art commisions:

+49 176 27295653

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